Should I Try This Diet?

If I had a dollar for every time I was asked about a particular diet…Well, let’s just say I would be traveling right now. 😂 The diet industry likes to perpetrate societal ideologies by influencing us on what we SHOULD be doing. Why are we listening to the media channels and “health” conscious companies rather than professionals? A few reasons: 1) We all want a quick fix and to see immediate results. We live in an instant gratification culture, and frankly, we need to work on this., and 2) Not everyone has the best experience or receives appropriate guidance from their providers! 😢 *sad but true* and I will touch on this another day.

This post is about adopting diets in the hopes that it will make all your hopes and dreams come true. Not one food, nor diet, has this power. You want to know why? Because diets restrict by nature, and by restricting or removing entire food groups we are psychologically depriving ourselves. Maybe you’re thinking, “But Danielle, I don’t even really like that food so I’m fine with giving it up.” That’s not the point. The point is that you’re telling yourself you can’t have something. There is a difference between restriction and giving yourself permission to have a certain food group or food and choosing NOT to have it because you simply don’t enjoy it. Don’t get the 2 confused.

The top question I ask someone who is contemplating going on a diet is “Do you plan on staying on this diet for the rest of your life?”. If the answer is a big resounding NO, then how do you expect to maintain the results and the effect of said diet? You can’t. Because diets are not meant to be long-term nor sustainable!

Let’s focus on eating in balance, moderation and foods you enjoy rather than instilling a restriction mindset with scarcity. We want abundant lives! Let’s goo!

Say no to that diet and book your FREE consultation with me today to learn how to gain an abundant mindset and have your cake and eat it too! #saynotodieting

The Definition of Nutrition Doesn’t Include Weight Loss

That’s it. That’s the blog post today.

I wanted to instill a friendly reminder in support of yesterday’s post that nutrition is NOT synonymous with losing weight. Sure, eating more nutrient-dense foods can support weight loss, but that isn’t the sole embodiment nor focus of nutrition at its core.

Once again, at DC Nutrition, I have you set other metrics of progress rather than weight loss to take the pressure, stigma and shame surrounding weight gain and trying to fit into an ideal body type. Does this sound more approachable to you? Great! That’s because it is. 😉

Let’s get started on your health & wellness journey- a journey that should be enjoyable and empowering, not feel defeating. Book your FREE 30-minute nutrition consultation today!