Listen Up! You Don’t Have to Change Your Entire Diet!

I find that a lot of my patients and clients are hesitant in starting to work with a dietitian because they think we’re going to tell them exactly what to eat and that they won’t be able to enjoy the foods they love any longer. This is NOT the case! In fact, *most* of my clients maintain their diet and simply make healthier swaps or additions to those meals and snacks.

For example, if you regularly have a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast, perhaps I give my clients the following alternative options where they can keep their beloved bagel, but increase the nutrient content that’s more supportive of their blood sugar:

  • Whole grain bagel with avocado and an egg
  • Whole grain bagel thin with turkey sausage, egg, and cheese (BONUS points to add veggies!)
  • Whole grain egg & bean breakfast burrito

Do these sound appetizing? I sure hope so! Does this mean this client can never have a bagel & cream cheese? Absolutely not! But if you have a white bagel and cream cheese every morning for breakfast, it may not be supportive of your health goals. We’re looking to optimize that protein intake at the start of your day. Make sense?

Once again, everything in moderation. Have your bagel and eat it too. Happy freaking weekend, babes! đź’ž

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